Let, Listen & Love
Have you ever felt victim to your emotional triggers?
Do you choose to respond or do you react and then feel bad?
Would you like to learn to use these experiences for your benefit and see how life is happening for you?
With the Let, Listen & Love technique we will not only discover how life is happening for us, we will learn to harness these challenging experiences to free ourselves from problematic patterns and change reactive behaviors that are causing current-day problems .
Many of us believe life is happening to us and that we are victims to our emotions and uncomfortable situations in our lives. When we are triggered, we think something is wrong and we try to fix it, change it or run from it. In this scenario, we completely miss the opportunities that life is offering and the unwanted patterns continue.
Discover how life is actually giving us the experiences we need to heal and grow. Learn how to use these situations to bring the peace of presence into our everyday lives. When we learn to Let, Listen & Love when we are triggered, we can receive the emotional messages, feel empowered to respond instead of react and create the life we want.
Let, Listen & Love is taught in a series of 4 private sessions as well as the Breathing BEYOND Grief™ program.
Get ready to use the vehicle of your body, the GPS of your awareness and the fuel of your emotions to drive into your best life!